Dream: Floors and ceilings connected by black rods. The rods are fixtures for giant turned pink figures. There are also two cabbages that divide + infest my carnivorous plants. Then everything in b/w. Aunt Britt in a bikini.
Kunsthalle Tübingen, 2023
The black turned bars virtually connecting the floors and ceilings hang down like stalactites or seem to grow out of the floor like stalagmites. A neon pink pole appears as a winking echo to the dream text. - One thinks of the crazy pink sculptures in Hieronymus Bosch's "Garden of Delights" or baroque ivory carvings or even Oskar Schlemmer's "Triadic Ballet". - The bar continues again in the double image of the buttoned-up man. And scientific curves are transformed into their shining shadows. The observing eye jumps back and forth to further figures in costume (tradition, history, fetish), which have already gone through Rorschachtest-like mirrorings, image disturbances and glitches. Everything is then thwarted (?) by the woman in bikini. The whole image, however, actually seems to spring from the two cabbages splitting + falling over carnivorous plants. Their curves, disturbed circular structures and just-as-empty spaces run through the entire pictorial space. And this is how our dreams ultimately work: one image follows the next.
Barbara Breitenfellner
Material: Photo wallpaper, vinyl film, adhesive tape, framed screen print, turned/coloured wood
Dimensions: 373 cm x 1243 cm x 30 cm
Inner Worlds. Sigmund Freud and art
Kunsthalle Tübingen
in cooperation with the Sigmund Freud Museum in Vienna
group show curated by Nicole Fritz and Monika Pessler
Installation views: the artist