Soft cover, full colour, 70 pages, 29,7 x 29,7 cm
edition of 50, signed and numbered, 2021

Barbara Breitenfellner's collages and installations feature trained wild animals, trapeze artists, contortionists, clowns, showgirls, trained dogs and more. Published on the occasion of the exhibition Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys at the Kunstmuseum in Thun, Switzerland, this book gathers together all of Breitenfellner's work related to the strange and colorful universe of the circus.
Soft cover, full colour, 36 pages, German & English, 14,8 x 10,9 cm
Fondazione Arthur Cravan (Milano), 2024
Published on the occasion of Barbara Breitenfellner's residency at Cose Cosmiche in Milan, the booklet contains a selection of dream texts (in German and English) and some images of the wall installation she produced for the ‘Inner Worlds’ exhibition at the Kunsthalle in Tübingen.
Hard cover, full colour, 64 pages, 30,3 x 21,5 x 0,9 cm
edition of 50, signed and numbered, 2020
published in the frame of the Marianne-Werefkin-Prize, Berlin

To celebrate the award of the Marianne Werefkin Prize, Barbara Breitenfellner has selected and exhibited her collages with cat motifs. All of these works are printed in a hardcover book that plays with the aesthetics of children's books. In a twist on the feminist art scene, she ironises the expectations towards female artists and their production.
Hard cover, full colour, 64 pages, 30,3 x 21,5 x 0,9 cm
edition of 50, signed and numbered, 2021
As a counterpart to the book ‘KATZEN’, the artist presents here her works that deal with dogs. The graphic design exactly follows that of its predecessor - it only replaces the images and changes the main colour scheme, but retains a similar irony towards the subject.
Hard cover, full colour, 1032 pages, 27,8 x 21,6 x 7,4 cm
edition of three, signed and numbered, 2018

This extremely rare book - only 3 copies exist - contains all of Barbara Breitenfellner's collages created up to 2018. The 509 works are reproduced at a 70% reduction in size, not only to show the works themselves, but also to respect the idea of a catalogue raisonné. A copy is currently on display at the Deutsches Hygiene Museum in Dresden.
WVZ (Fragment)
Soft cover, full colour, 32 pages, 27,2 x 21 cm
edition of 75, signed and numbered, 2022
During the production of the WVZ book, a set of pages was printed for preparation and final checking. From this edition, 32 pages are taken and bound by hand to create unique publications (each book contains a different set of images).
Soft cover, full colour, 72 pages, French/English/German, 29,7 x 21 cm
Centre Photographique d’Ile-de-France, Pontault-Combault, 2019

Focusing on the dream text that became an installation, this publication presents realisations by the artist in Paris, Neuss, Frankfurt/Main, Berlin, and other cities. It serves as a visual introduction to the translation of dream texts into spatial forms that the artist creates for her large-scale installations.
Hard cover, Full colour, 184 pages, English / German, 23 x 16,5 cm
Design: Büro Otto Sauhaus
Verbrecher Verlag, 2016

Half art catalogue, half literature book, this is the first comprehensive publication of Barbara Breitenfellner’s dream notes. Continuing in the vein of other artists and writers dealing with dream recollections (such as William S. Burroughs, Heinar Kipphardt, Jim Shaw, Unica Zürn, and many others), the artist uses her protocols to create condensed and distorted, often absurd or ironic representations of the process of making and exhibiting art, and being an artist. Many of these texts could be read as "exhibitions to come".
order book at Verbrecher Verlag
Texts: Inke Arns, Ute Vorkoeper (English / German)
Photos: Hannes Woidich - Design: RADAU!
HMKV & Revolver Publishing, 2011
The catalogue published on the occasion of her solo exhibition at the Hartware Medienkunstverein contains a visual documentation of two specially produced installations as well as essays by Inke Arns and Ute Vorkoeper, which deal with the question of working with dreams as a process.
Hard cover, Full colour, 160 pages, 26 x 19,5 cm
Bongoût Editions, 2011
This book contains a selection of works on paper produced by Barbara Breitenfellner between 2006 and 2011. Her artist's silkscreen prints and collages are based on found materials from books and magazines which she combine with engravings of medical drawings found in 19th century encyclopedias, patterns resulting from enlarged pictures of physical processes, or images cut out from naturist and zoology journals.
Ohm Books
Soft cover, Xerox-print (unique books), 44 pages, 28,3 x 19,9 cm, 2004

Barbara Breitenfellner has shown early in her practice an interest in found objects and found footage. This series of unique books was produced by xerox printing and enlarging images sourced from a large collection of Japanese magazines. The result is obscure and uncanny, and the association of rasterised images evokes a dreamlike quality.
Wszyscy jesteśmy Marco Polo, 2012
As part of an exhibition curated by Agnieszka Pindera
Texts: Agnieszka Taborska (Polish)
When invited for an exhibition at the zoo in Gdansk, the artist decided to mimic a famous collection of science books from Poland (ABC — which was published from the 1970s to the early 1990s and popularised art and science). She selected several collages depicting animals while the writer Taborska provided short texts with a strong surrealist touch.
If you have any interest in some of those publications, contact us here