Dream: Beuys was giving a several-days-long performance in 1 room. Someone else (?) stepped on 1 lying gorilla with 1 fur lying on a platform: it was a frame that was moving upwards. At the end Beuys jumped down like a winner in a circus.
Le Confort Moderne, Poitiers, 2011

This dream is materialising in the gallery space at Confort Moderne as an installation that includes various elements from the world of circus (animal podiums, gear used by tightrope walkers, bales of straw) and in which a gorilla, sitting on a goods lift and decked out in accessories ironically similar to those worn by the “famously famous” German artist Joseph Beuys, is greeting visitors with his arms raised in a spectacular and triumphant pose. (Alain Berland)
Material: Dream text on wall, light wall with 602 bulbs, hydraulic platform, circus podiums, tightrope frame, mannequin, gorilla costume, fur coat (hare), bear and hare mask, boxing gloves, fishing vest, triangle, straw, sound of turbines and sitcoms. Produced by Hartware MedienKunstVerein Dortmund, 2011
Dimensions: 12,15 x 9,53 x 4,00 m
Installation views: Mathieu Bonin, Guillaume Chiron, Jean Michel Rousseau, Gilles Verneuil, Hannes Woidich